Professional Training in Compliance
Application form (Live Training or Certificate of Expert)
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The application process for the Professional Training in Compliance seeks to select candidates who can complete the training and benefit from it. The application process involves the following:

  • The completion of this form.
  • Sending a copy of the government photo ID of the candidate (issued up to 5 years ago) by email to

At Ambra's discretion, scheduling an interview via Zoom may be necessary to clarify some points filled in by the candidate on the form.

The essay questions on this form are used to assess the candidate's minimum ability to write essays, among other points.

Formal prerequisites for participation in the selection process

  • Be over 18 years of age.
  • Possess a higher education degree.
  • Candidates must complete this form independently without relying on third parties' assistance.
Full name *
Email address *
Cell phone (with area and country code) *
Full home address *
What is your highest academic degree? *
For each complete higher education degree, inform: the name of the degree, year obtained, name of the institution, city, state, and country of the institution. *
- Bachelor of Science in Finance (2015), University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA.
- Master of Business Administration (2018), University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA.
Describe your academic background and professional activity briefly in an essay of at least 1100 characters (do not respond in the form of a list or topics).
Describe why you want to take the Professional Training in Compliance and how the training knowledge can benefit you professionally in an essay of at least 700 characters (do not answer in the form of a list or topics).
Investment Option *
You will only receive the invoice if your application is pre-approved.
Sworn statement *
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