Donation & Sponsorship Form for the AllPlay Miracle Buddy Baseball League
Contact us by email at:
Phone:  (402) 807-5010
Web Site: For more information

AllPlay Baseball is FREE for players.  There is NO cost to register, and player's uniform caps and shirts are free for the players.  All additional activities and items will also provided to players for free due to the incredible generosity of our donors & sponsors.

Please complete this short information form then click on the Donate / Sponsor link below to make your donation or sponsorship donation.  Thank you.
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Firs & Last Name
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Is this donation a memorial donation, donation being made in honor of someone, or designated for a special purpose?  If so please list the name and information below:
How much is the donation you intend to make?
Do you have any other comments for AllPlay:
Miracle League - brief Video & Song to watch (click to view!)
When you click the submit button below There will be a link in the response that when clicked will take you to PayPal's Charitable Donation page for AllPlay where donations made are not charged normal credit card fees!!  Please be sure to come back to this tab and click submit so the information in this form to be transmitted to AllPlay!  Thank You!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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