A People's Tour of Fresno (PTF) Registration
Please complete this form to register your spot for A People's Tour of Fresno from Saturday October 21 at 9am until Sunday October 22.

See the agenda here
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Organizational Affiliation *
What best describes your relationship to this event? *
If we need additional spots in the bus, would you be willing to participate in the tour in a separate car? *
Our preference for youth and organizational affiliates is to participate for both days, as is our hope for the funders, but we know that's not always possible. Please share what dates you will attend.  *
Food Preferences (please describe your preferences especially sharing vegan/vegetarian/halal/kosher/jhatka/other or if you have any food allergies; if none just write n/a): *
Polo Shirt Size *
Additional Comments:
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