Balafon Inquiry Form
Please tell us more about your cultural programming needs and we will follow up with your additional detail.
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Email *
Type of engagement *
Offerings Requested
Please select all that apply
Primary Contact *
Organization (if applicable)
Event Contact (if other than the Primary Contact)
Please provide the Name, Email, and Phone Number for the Event Contact who Balafon can be in touch with for direction and information on the day of the event.
Event Description
Briefly describe the type of event (e.g. occasion, theme), and audience who will be there (e.g. ages, interests), and the space available (outdoor, indoor, staging, sound constraints).
Event Date
Event Time
Event Address
Street address, City, State, Zip
Please include directions for the event location, accessing the venue and loading materials (if available)
Event Space
Describe the size, flooring type and shelter (for outdoor) of the space artists will perform or the workshop will be held.
Please check all amenities that will be available to Balafon artists
Please Select All That Apply
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