RA Contract Request: Summer 2024
Please use this form to request an RA contract for Summer 2024. Please note, all contracts will be generated via  DocuSign with electronic signatures - check your email.  PLEASE TALK WITH YOUR GRANT ADMINISTRATOR PRIOR TO COMPLETING THIS FORM TO ENSURE FUNDING IS AVAILABLE AND CHARTSTRINGS ARE COMPLETE.
Email *
Name of Faculty Requesting RA Contract *
Student Information:
First Name of Student *
Last Name of Student *
Student's Campus ID (This is 7 digits) not the employee number  - you can look this up in the Directory: *
What degree is the student pursuing? *
Is this a new international student who needs to coordinate with IES?
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I confirm that I have consulted with my Grant Administrator to ensure the correct funding chartstring(s) and if applicable the correct percentage split is known to me.   
Chartstring (format) Fund-Dept-Pfin-Project-Type
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Period of Contract Appointment start and end date   To see a pay period calendar go to:  https://tinyurl.com/tn72yxg
Please pay attention to start and end dates!! Keep copies of all your RA contracts and enter your RAs' contract start and end dates in your Google Calendar.
Indicate START and END Date for contract (discuss with your GRANT ADMIN) : view pay period calendar here:  https://tinyurl.com/tn72yxg  AT LEAST 2 WEEKS ADVANCE TIME IS NEEDED FOR PROCESSING THE CONTRACT!  Following are example contract periods which may be used.
Number of Weekly Hours (students cannot work more than 20 hours/week in a regular semester) *
Amount stated should correspond with "Period of Appointment"

EXAMPLE: multiply the bi-weekly stipend by the number of pay periods to get the total stipend.

10-hour: $539.59  bi-weekly  x 6 pay periods = $3237.54
20-hour: $1079.18 bi-weekly  x 6 pay periods =  $6478.80

Talk to your grant administrator prior to completing this form.  
Check out the Grad School's minimum Stipends
Grad School website:  https://gradschool.umbc.edu/funding/assistantships/stipends/
Bi-weekly Stipend $ Amount *
Please indicate the Total Stipend for the duration of contract = (bi-weekly rate x number of pay periods) *
Tuition Remission
You may pick any number.  Graduate students aren't required to register for classes during the summer.
Number of Tuition Remission Credits *
Health Insurance Coverage  
This does not apply for summer RA requests.
Which account(s) will this contract be paid from?
 FULL chart string(s) the contract should be charged to. If you will be splitting between multiple chart strings, please indicate what % will come from each chart string.

SAMPLE Chart String: 1253-10463-022-CSEE1234-BUD001

CONTACT YOUR GRANT ADMINISTRATOR: If you are unsure of the full chart string

**Most grants do not allow for benefits only to be charged for a Research Assistant. This means that you cannot charge stipend to one grant and benefits to another.**
Chartstring (format) Fund-Dept-Pfin-Project-Type
Are you the PI or Co-PI on the funding?
Who is the grant administrator for the funding you indicated?
Comments, information, etc. that was not covered in the form:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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