英語程度測驗 English Level Test
😃Hi, welcome to YesOnline. 這是一份可用來檢測你的CEFR程度(The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)的簡易線上英語測驗,共有60道題,沒有時間限制,每1題得1分,最後按下「提交」送出後得到總分,可比較以下級距,即可得知你的英語程度。

Total Score  Level         CEFR level
0-9               Beginner            A1
10–19        Elementary         A1+ to A2
20–29 Pre-intermediate    A2 + to B1
30–39     Intermediate          B1
40–49 Upper-intermediate  B2
50–60        Advanced          C1

📍CEFR(The Common European Framework of Reference):歐洲語言共同參考架構:學習、教學、評量,是歐洲委員會在2001年11月通過的一套建議標準,為歐洲語言在評量架構和教學指引、考試、教材所提供的基準。其可用來評估語言學習者在所學語言的成就,並將語言程度所應具備的能力分成A1到C2六個等級,含聽、說、讀、寫、連續的口頭表達和參與對話五項技能分級界定。國際通用的CEFR受到多國政府、企業與學術機構認可,許多國際性英檢,如多益、托福、雅思皆已採用,以下為各程度說明:
基礎級 Breakthrough:
初級 Waystage:
中級 Threshold:
中高級 Upper Intermediate:
高級 Advanced:
精熟級 Proficiency:
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Section 1
 Choose the best word or phrase (a, b, c or d) to fill each blank.
Q1. Mary __________ from The United Kingdom. *
1 point
Q2. What’s __________ name? *
1 point
Q3. My sister __________ in London. *
1 point
Q4. Where __________ ? *
1 point
Q5. I __________ tea. *
1 point
Q6. ‘__________ to Germany, Jane?’ ‘Yes, three years ago.” *
1 point
Q7. New York is __________ city I’ve ever lived in. *
1 point
Q8. A vegetarian is someone __________ doesn’t eat meat. *
1 point
Q9. __________ these days. *
1 point
Q10. I __________ watch TV tonight. *
1 point
Q11. I wish I __________ more money! *
1 point
Q12. __________ be famous one day? *
1 point
Section 2
Choose the best word or phrase (a, b, c or d) to fill each blank.
Q13. It’s my birthday __________ Saturday. *
1 point
Q14. I __________ twenty years old. *
1 point
Q15. I __________ a headache. *
1 point
Q16. Do you __________ a uniform at your school? *
1 point
Q17. ‘What time is it?’     ‘I have no __________ .’ *
1 point
Q18. The meal was very expensive. Look at the __________ ! *
1 point
Q19. How many __________ of trousers have you got? *
1 point
Q20. Jonathan came back from his holiday in Hawaii looking really __________ . *
1 point
Section 3
 Choose the best word or phrase (a, b, c or d) to fill each blank.
Q21. Hank can __________ Mandarin. *
1 point
Q22. I’m not interested __________ sports. *
1 point
Q23. She likes __________ expensive clothes. *
1 point
Q24. Henry __________ his father’s car when the accident happened. *
1 point
Q25. I was wondering __________ tell me when the next plane from Taipei arrives? *
1 point
Q26. If I __________ him, I would have spoken to him, wouldn’t I? *
1 point
Q27. I like your hair. Where __________ ? *
1 point
Q28. I think Eric must _____ late tonight. His office light is still on. *
1 point
Q29. Andy tells me Joan’s going out with Amy, __________ I find hard to believe. *
1 point
Q30. What __________ this weekend, Larry? *
1 point
Q31. The weather has been awful. We’ve had very __________ sunshine this summer. *
1 point
Q32. Did you hear what happened to Karen? She __________ . *
1 point
Section 4
 Choose the best word or phrase (a, b, c or d) to fill each blank.
Q33. I usually __________ up at about 7.30. *
1 point
Q34. I __________ football every week. *
1 point
Q35. My mother __________ the cooking in our house. *
1 point
Q36. Don’t forget to _____ the light when you leave the room. *
1 point
Q37. She was in __________ when she heard the tragic news. *
1 point
Q38. He __________ that he hadn’t stolen the wallet, but no one believed him. *
1 point
Q39. Could you __________ me that book for a couple of days, please? *
1 point
Q40. George is __________ a lot of time at Jenny’s house these days! *
1 point
Section 5
 Choose the best word or phrase (a, b, c or d) to fill each blank.
Q41. Who __________ in that house? *
1 point
Q42. I will call you when I __________ home. *
1 point
Q43. If you __________ me, what would you do? *
1 point
Q44. I don’t know where __________ last night. *
1 point
Q45. Peter and Ben are coming to visit us tomorrow but I wish __________ . *
1 point
Q46. I’m so hungry! If only Steve __________ all the food in the fridge! *
1 point
Q47. I regret __________ harder in school. *
1 point
Q48. Surely Susan __________ you if she was unhappy with your work. *
1 point
Q49. Our neighbors aren’t very polite, and __________ particularly quiet! *
1 point
Q50. We had expected that they __________ fluent English, but in fact they didn’t. *
1 point
Q51. I would rather I __________ next weekend, but I do! *
1 point
Q52. Kelly is so knowledgeable. She can talk about __________ subject that comes up. *
1 point
Section 6
 Choose the best word or phrase (a, b, c or d) to fill each blank.  
Q53. I always __________ milk in my coffee. *
1 point
Q54. I __________ TV every evening. *
1 point
Q55. Can you give me a __________ with my bag. *
1 point
Q56. Before you enter the triathlon, please bear in __________ that you’re not as young as you used to be! *
1 point
Q57. The breath test showed he had consumed more than three times the legal limit of alcohol, so the police arrested him for __________ . *
1 point
Q58. The meeting was __________ and not very interesting. *
1 point
Q59. After the movie was released, the main __________ point was its excessive use of violence. *
1 point
Q60. There have been several big __________ against the use of GM foods recently. *
1 point
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