PODCAST Interview Application
NEDAS Live!  Where Wireline and Wireless Meet is the go to podcast that covers topics related to the growing convergence of wireline and wireless technologies.  To be considered for an interview on our program - please complete the form below.  
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What topic (or topics) are you interested to speak on? *
Name *
Mobile Number *
Company *
Title *
Speaker Bio *
If you have presented at industry events on these topics, please list them here:
If you have participated on other Podcast programs regarding these topics, please list them here:
What is your personal Twitter handle (if you have one)?  [to be used for promotional purposes]
What is your company's Twitter handle?  [to be used for promotional purposes]
What is your LinkedIn profile link?  [to be used for promotional purposes]
What is your companies LinkedIn company page link?  [to be used for promotional purposes]
Are you interested to learn about sponsorship opportunities for the NEDAS Podcast or events (regardless of whether you are selected to speak or not)? *
How did you hear about NEDAS? *
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