What topic (or topics) are you interested to speak on? *
Name *
Your answer
Mobile Number *
Your answer
Company *
Your answer
Title *
Your answer
Speaker Bio *
Your answer
If you have presented at industry events on these topics, please list them here:
Your answer
If you have participated on other Podcast programs regarding these topics, please list them here:
Your answer
What is your personal Twitter handle (if you have one)? [to be used for promotional purposes]
Your answer
What is your company's Twitter handle? [to be used for promotional purposes]
Your answer
What is your LinkedIn profile link? [to be used for promotional purposes]
Your answer
What is your companies LinkedIn company page link? [to be used for promotional purposes]
Your answer
Are you interested to learn about sponsorship opportunities for the NEDAS Podcast or events (regardless of whether you are selected to speak or not)? *