"New Challenges, New Perspectives" 25-26th October 2024                    SPEAKER PROPOSAL FORM
Dear speakers,
We are happy to invite you to present at the 13th ELTAM MK International Conference "New Challenges, New Perspectives", which is going to take place on 25-26.10. 2024, Skopje, at the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle for Independence, North Macedonia.
Please fill in the form below to submit your proposal. The deadline for speaker proposal form submission is September 20, 2024. Any proposals received after this deadline will be placed on the reserve list.
You will be notified about the status of your proposal by September 30, 2024.
Conference fees (Note: you should pay the fee after you receive an e-mail regarding your proposal).
1. ELTAM MK Member/Partner TA Member Early-bird rate until September 20, 2024 - 30 EUR
2. ELTAM MK Non-member Early-bird rate until September 20, 2024- 40 EUR
3. ELTAM MK Member/ Partner TA Member after September 20,  2024- 40 EUR
4. ELTAM MK Non-member after September 20,  2024 - 60 EUR
5. Conference fee for undegraduate students 15 EUR
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1. Please write your name and surname *
2. What is your e-mail address? *
3. What is the name of the institution you work in? *
4. If you have a joint presenter please write their name and surname
5. Joint presenter’s email
5. What is the title of your presentation/session?
 (max. 10 words)
6. Can you write a brief abstract about your presentation/session for the programme? (please keep it under 100 words) *
7. Have you spoken on this topic before? *
8. If you answered Yes to the previous question, please mention when and where *
9. Please indicate the age group(s) your submission applies to (you can tick more than one): *
10. What is the type of your presentation/session? *
11. How much time does your session require? *
12. Can you write a short bio about yourself to help the audience know you better? Please keep it limited to 50 words.  *
13. If you are associated with a Publisher write its name: *
14. What equipment is required for your session?  *
15. I allow ELTAM MK to publish my name and details of my presentation through their website and social media *
16. I allow ELTAM MK to take, record and post photographs and videos in publications, on its website and social networks. *
17. I allow ELTAM MK to process and keep my data and keep it for the purpose of registration and informing about this and future conferences. *
18. I agree to send my presentation a week before the conference so that ELTAM MK can finalise the schedule *
19. We kindly ask you to send us a contribution for our journal (or publishing department) based on your presentation.
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