TropiCon'25 - Author/Vendor Interest Form
Convention Dates: 
20-23 February 2025 (4-day convention Thursday through Sunday) 
- Welcome Wednesday Meet & Mingle = (7-10 p.m.) casual social gathering of authors, PAs vendors, readers, models and guests in the ballroom on arrival evening (cash bar).
- Thirsty Thursday = Full writing, publishing & marketing workshop day with how-to classes, author panels, and guest presenter sessions (10 a.m. - 4 p.m.) + optional evening pub crawl through Colonial St. Augustine
- Fangirl Friday = VIP Fangirl/Fanboy Friday (10 a.m.-4 p.m. with buffet lunch included) + (optional) literary agency pitch sessions + Masquerade Ball (6-10 p.m. - included in table fee & VIP ticket price)
- Super Signing Saturday = Book signing day (10 a.m. - 5 p.m.) + optional evening excursion
- Sunday Funday = (optional 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Casual Brunch at a local restaurant TBA), 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Last Chance Book Signing.

Convention Address: 
Renaissance Saint Augustine Historic Downtown Hotel
6 W Castillo Dr, Saint Augustine, FL 32084
USA TODAY Bestselling Author Lynessa Layne & A.J. Layne
Contact us at:
About TropiCon:  
TropiCon is a first-come, first-served full-scale booklovers convention open to authors of all genres and bookish vendors - our book signings are open to all-ages. Appropriate conduct and language with children present is expected of all attendees. Alcoholic beverages are available at the hotel bar, but participants are prohibited by Florida law and hotel policy from distributing alcoholic beverages at the event. 
* Closed containers of alcoholic beverages within charity baskets for raffle ARE ALLOWED for age 21+ winners.
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Email *
Author Pen Name / Vendor Business Name *
Your Legal Name *
Correspondence Email 
(Where TropiCon'25 OFFICIAL INVITATION / waitlist notification should be sent.)
PayPal Email *
Table Type Request

* ALL table type fees include Thirsty Thursday and Fangirl Friday on-site events AND the Colonial St. Augustine Masquerade Ball on Friday evening (6 - 10 p.m.). [Does not include literary agency / publisher pitch sessions...they set their own prices. More to come as we develop this new addition to TropiCon.]

* You will be able to choose your table # from the table map to be included in the official invitation form (pending availability) once you've secured a table type with your 50% deposit via PayPal. 

* You may share a table with a table mate will need to contact us with their information ( or DM on FB). If you intend to split cost with them, that is your responsibility as the primary table holder.

* All table registration fees are non-refundable. These fees are how we pay for the venue, Fangirl Friday buffet lunch and included events. If you have an emergency arise after payment and cannot attend, your fees may be credited to a future event organized by Fast Layne Events (at our discretion), or we can coordinate a waitlist author to contact you (no sales of tables by authors or vendors outside of the waitlist - we maintain the waitlist on a spreadsheet by order of date/time stamped applications in the order they are received).

* Sponsorship opportunities will be offered at a later date via separate form.

*** If you need a wheelchair accessible table location, we DO have this option available below.
Author/Vendor Website 
(Goodreads / Amazon / BookBub / book sales link if you don't have a website)
Facebook Primary Account 
(For coordination DMs to/from the Organizers and invitation to the author/vendor coordination group page on Facebook.)
Instagram Account 
(ex:  @jane_doe)
We have a TropiCon Instagram page you can follow and be followed back... 
(  @TropiConBookExpo  )
Twitter Account 
(ex:  @jane_doe)
Authors - Please check all that apply to you. 
These are for event promotional purposes only, NOT criteria for acceptance. TropiCon is a first-come, first-served application process convention. ALL levels of experience are welcome, invitations are issued solely based on table type availability, and in the date/time order in which official invitations are returned to the organizers. 
(This form is not the invitation.)
*** TropiCon'24 tables were 100% filled in 12 DAYS! 
*** If you receive an OFFICIAL INVITATION, do not delay...tables fill up FAST!
*** Once TropiCon'25's tables are full, there will be a waitlist.
Primary Genre of Books / Vendor Goods & Services: *
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Are you interested in room block? 
(Staying at the host venue with group rate discount - Renaissance Saint Augustine Historic Downtown Hotel - $339/night + tax + $35/night valet parking if you bring a vehicle.) 
* Room block will be Wed. night 2/19/25 through Sun. night 2/23/25 (Monday check-out).
* Our venue is fully ADA compliant, and has (5) Handicap Accessible Guest Rooms available.
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TropiCon 2025 Tentative Schedule of Events 

* 2/19 Wednesday - 7-10 p.m. Meet & Greet / Author, Vendor & VIP Early Registration.
* 2/20 Thursday - 9 a.m. Author & VIP Registration, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Workshops & Breakout Sessions (TBA)
* 2/21 Friday - 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Fangirl/Fanboy Friday (interactive fan-centric events, and optional Literary Agent/Publisher pitch sessions). [12-1 p.m. Buffet Lunch at the venue]. 6-10 p.m. Colonial St. Augustine Masquerade Ball (VIPs, Authors, Vendors, Models - included in table fee and VIP ticket price) - venue in Colonial St. Augustine - 5-minute walk.
* 2/22 Saturday - 8 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. table set-up. 9:45 a.m. Author/Vendor Group Photo (authors & vendors from both signing days). 10 a.m.- 12 p.m. VIP Early Entry. 12-1 p.m. Lunch Hour (not provided). 1-4 p.m. General Admission. 4 p.m. Charity Basket & Book Raffle Winners Announcements. 7 p.m. Saturday evening optional TBA special event - we'll post a separate interest form for this.)
* 2/23 Sunday - 8 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. table set-up. 9:45 a.m. Author/Vendor Group Photo. 10 a.m.- 12 p.m. VIP Early Entry. 12-1 p.m. Lunch Hour (not provided). 1-4 p.m. General Admission. 5 p.m. Farewell & 

*** There is a Starbucks full-service kiosk in the hotel lobby (open daily 'til 11 a.m.).
*** Full breakfast, lunch, and dinner ARE available daily at the hotel restaurant (Castillo Craft Bar & Kitchen)
*** Our venue is conveniently located within very short walking distance to MANY restaurants, shops and convenience stores.
Thank you for your interest in TropiCon'25!
Please acknowledge that you understand your submission of this form is for the organizers to gauge interest, build the author interest spreadsheet, and is NOT a guarantee of invitation to be a signing author at TropiCon'25. All invitations/or waitlist notifications will be sent to your Correspondence Email you filled out in this form. 
*** Please check your inbox, junk, and spam folders for this subject line:  TropiCon'25. 
*** We will announce in the TropiCon Reader/Attendee Group when each round of invites has been sent, so please join:
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