Submit your Palestine solidarity event for inclusion in CJPME’s Friday email

Do you want CJPME to help spread the word about your event? On Fridays, CJPME typically sends a list of demonstrations and other events to its entire email list, which has subscribers across the country. CJPME is happy to accept submissions of events in support of Palestinian rights, including protests, webinars, teach-ins, or other events.

Eligibility – CJPME will only accept submissions for events if:

  • The person submitting the event is authorized to do so
  • The event is scheduled to take place within the upcoming week, Friday to Thursday
  • The event has a valid hyperlink (for example: a web page, a Facebook event page, or an Instagram post) providing up-to-date event information
Please fill out the information below for your event to be considered. Events should be submitted prior to noon on Thursday for inclusion in the Friday email.  (Note: CJPME retains the right to decline to publicize events, at its sole discretion.)
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Name of event *
Hyperlink to the event (i.e. web page, Facebook event, Instagram post)
Date of event
Full name of group sponsoring the event. (No abbreviations please.) *
City in which event is taking place (Note for on-line events only: If the event is on-line and you want a local audience, enter the name of your locale/city.  If the event is on-line and you welcome a national audience, enter “national.”  In this second case, please ensure that your on-line event can host at least 1000.)
Province in which event is taking place (If on-line, enter “national”)
Contact person’s first name
Contact person’s last name
Contact person’s email address
Contact person’s phone number
Are you authorized to submit on behalf of the event organizers?
Short description of event (e.g. what is the purpose of the event; who is the expected audience; etc.)
I attest that the organizers of this event have a policy of zero tolerance for any forms of hate, whether in speech or actions (whether Islamophobic, antisemitic, anti-Black, anti-Indigenous, etc.) *
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