24-25 Maries R 2 Staff Shout-out Form
Please join me in recognizing and celebrating staff members of the Maries Co. R 2 School District and the measures that they take to care for our students each and every day.

If there is a staff member that you or your child would like to recognize (teacher, bus driver, principal, counselor, secretary, para, nurse, custodian, lunch lady, etc.) please let me know.

Our staff has been doing such an awesome job and your support and words of encouragement matter!

Thank you,
Dr. Lenice Basham
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Date: *
Your Name (First and Last) *
Your Email Address *
How are you connected with Maries Co. R 2 School District? *
Please select the location of the employee you would like to recognize. *
Please share why you would like to recognize this employee. *
Can I share your name with the person you are recognizing? *
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