Dear Players/Parents,

In an endeavour to provide quality education for creating technical manpower of global standards, the institute is striving to upgrade its practices. In one of the steps to achieve this, we are herewith providing you with a feedback form and kindly request you to duly fill the same and mail it at an earliest thereby helping us to evaluate our principles and practices
Email *
Personal Information 
Name of the Parent: 
Contact Number: *
Name of the Student : *
Branch *
Academic Year: *
Communication Address: *
Parent Survey
Admission Procedure *
Infrastructure and Lab Facility *
Work Culture observed By you and your Son/Daughter : *
Canteen Facility *
Library *
Other Facilities provided by the College *
Sports and Cultural Activities *
Student's counselling Activities *
Use of Communication And Information Technology in College *
Academic Discipline (i.e timely conduct of lectures, practicals and related activities) observed by the college
Improvement in soft skills, knowledge, ethics, morality, observed by you in your Department while studying in college
Examination system adopted by the college

Evaluation And Feedback Mechanism *
Placements *
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