"Rice All the Time?" Audience Feedback
Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed “Rice All the Time?” and that it sparked some interesting thoughts.  Your answers will be really helpful to me — I’ll be discussing them in an article I’m writing an article about the process of creating the performance.

I'm interested in how people of different backgrounds respond to "Rice All the Time?", so I ask about your ethnicity and age range, if you are comfortable sharing.

Please fill out however much you have time to – it's okay to leave questions empty. I appreciate all your thoughts!
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How would you describe your ethnicity?
What is your age?
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Where are you listening from?
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What county/region are listening from?
What was your biggest takeaway from “Rice All the Time?”
What in the performance surprised you?
Did "Rice All the Time" change your perception of Chinese American history or identity? Did it change what you thought about the history of California? How?
What lines in the performance stood out to you? Feel free to refer to whatever you remember.
Why did those lines stand out?
What was your emotional reaction to these lines? How would you describe it? (Examples: Did you relate to them? Disagree with them? Feel amused by them? )
While working on this performance, I found that many of these stories resonated with me as a young Chinese American. But at the same time, their experiences vary greatly from each other and from my own. While developing this performance, I’ve reflected on my own identity, my own complex relationship with assimilation, and what it means to be Chinese American.                                                                               Whether or not you are Chinese, I would like to hear how you related, or didn’t relate, to the experiences featured in “Rice All the Time?”  (You might consider the ethnic makeup of these people’s communities, experiences with schoolyard bullying, and feelings about food and language, etc)
How might these experiences from almost a century ago connect to the present?
Do you feel that “Rice All the Time?” was more entertaining or more educational, or both equally?
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Any other comments?
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