2023 UST Global Mentoring Conference Registration

1. Speaker: Prof. Yoon-seong Kim(Rutgers University)
2. Topic:  Aging, a major risk factor for Parkinson’s Disease: Single-Cell Multiomic Approach of Human Midbrain
3. Date/time: 2023 Jun-29 / 1000-1130 (KST)

4. Place: Online (※ A Zoom address will be sent to your email and mobile number before the lecture begins.)
5. Abstract
Age is the primary risk factor for Parkinson’s disease (PD), but how aging changes the expression and regulatory landscape of the brain remains unclear. Here, we present a single-nuclei multiomic study profiling shared gene expression and chromatin accessibility of young, aged, and PD post-mortem midbrain samples. Combined multiomic analysis along a pseudopathogenesis trajectory reveals all glial cell types are affected by age, but microglia and oligodendrocytes are further altered in PD. We present evidence for a novel disease-associated oligodendrocyte subtype and identify genes lost over the aging and disease process, including CARNS1, that may predispose healthy cells to develop a disease-associated phenotype.  Surprisingly, we found that chromatin accessibility is maintained without drastic changes over aging or PD within the same cell types. Peak-gene association patterns, however, are significantly altered during aging and PD, identifying cell-type-specific chromosomal loci that contain PD-associated SNPs. We found that five ATAC peaks containing 17 PD-associated SNPs exhibited differential association with MAPT gene expression in disease-associated oligodendrocytes. Our study suggests a previously undescribed role for oligodendrocytes in aging and PD pathogenesis.

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