Volunteer Sign Up

The Philadelphia Section PGA needs your help!  We are looking for volunteers to help us successfully run our professional and junior golf tournaments.  Volunteers will be assigned various duties during events that may include live scoring, acting as ball spotters and time keepers, shuttling players or filling other possible needs while on site.

Opportunities to volunteer will begin in March and run through November each season.  No prior volunteering experience is required.  All volunteers will receive a uniform shirt, hat and will invited to an end of season Volunteer day that will include lunch and a round of golf.  All event volunteers will receive lunch at each tournament and mileage reimbursement ($.58 / mile).

If you are interested in volunteering for the Philadelphia Section PGA or the Philadelphia Junior Tour, please complete the form below.  We look forward to seeing you on the course soon!

Philadelphia PGA Section
(215) 886-7742

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Name *
Email *
Primary Phone Number *
City and State *
Are you a PGA member? *
If you answered "Yes" to the question above, type in your member number below *
Are you currently employed? *
Do you have any experience working in golf? *
How would you rate your Rules of Golf knowledge? *
No Knowledge
Rules Certified
Do you have any health or physical conditions that may prevent you from working outside for long durations? *
What days of the week are you available? *
List any emergency contact information *
Shirt Size (Men's or Women's)
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