Denver Eco-Leader Sub-Committees
Which subcommittee(s) would you like to be on?

Research committee tasks include: finalizing and approving research report and proposal, researching sunshine laws, conduct power analysis of city council.

Agenda planning committee tasks include: Planning the Public Action agenda (using role play template), finding and placing Eco-Leaders into roles and finding and training members of the public for the public testimony part of the meeting.

Logistics committee tasks include: Finding a venue and making sure it has adequate sound and lighting systems, organizing volunteers to help with set-up/breakdown.

Turn-out committee tasks include: Emails, fliers, FB/Meetup events and reaching out to your networks to brief them on the subject and to get the word out. Everyone is on this committee!

Invitation (officials) committee tasks include: Meeting with officials before the public action to invite them to the meeting and address any concerns or thoughts council members have to help the campaign proposal.

Media committee tasks include: Draft Press Release, reach out to editorial boards and various media outlets.
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Which subcommittee(s) would you like to be on? *
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