Event registration
Event Timing: March 18th - 19th, 2022
Event Address:
Contact Information: terry@A2Ministries.com
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What is the Encounter Weekend?
We have set aside a special weekend, to experience a life-changing encounter with God!  Over the course of 28 hours, you will sense God's presence through teaching, interaction with others, and several enjoyable surprises.  This weekend can be a LIFE-CHANGING TIME with God!  This overnight retreat will help you to experience the love and mercy of Jesus in a personal and powerful way.  The goal is that you return as a person who is FREE from habits, hurts, and hang-ups, as well as someone who is committed to taking leadership in help helping to disciple others.
What will I experience at an Encounter Weekend?
There are three main objectives of the weekend:
1) Rediscover the joy of what Jesus has done for us on the cross, while walking on this journey with other friends.
2) Break free from anything that is blocking us from becoming ALL that God wants us to be.
3) To "cast" the vision for discipleship and for our call to be "fishers of people".
Pay Here for Encounter Weekend ($125):
Name *
Nickname (Name Badge)
Phone Number
Emergency Contact Information (Name, Phone Number) *
Dietary restrictions and Allergies *
Are you taking any medications that require special attention? *
Children (Names and Ages)
List 2-3 people that know you very well (Name, Phone, Email)
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