Tu Voto, Tu Voz: The Importance of the Latinx Vote RSVP Form
Join Latinx student organizations across the state of Michigan including Cultura de Las Razas Unidas (Michigan State University), Empowered LatinX Union (Central Michigan University), La Casa (University of Michigan - Ann Arbor), Latinos United for Advancement (University of Michigan - Flint), the Latino Student Alliance (Western Michigan University), and the Latinx Student Association (Wayne State University) in a panel to educate and empower our community members on the importance of our political participation!

The panel will feature local and national leaders including Luis Gutierrez (Former U.S. Congressman - IL), Vanessa Guerra (State Representative - MI), Alex Garza (State Representative - MI), Diego Bernal (State Representative - TX), and will be moderated by the University of Michigan's Associate Professor of Political Science, Dr. Mara Ostfeld!

Save the date for Thursday, October 29th from 7-8:30 pm EST and please fill out this form to RSVP!

Here is the webinar link: https://umich.zoom.us/s/94506727496  (passcode: Vote)

See you soon!

If you have any questions please email Xalma Palomino at xalmap@umich.edu
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Will you be attending the Panel Discussion on Thursday, October 29th from 7-8:30 pm EST? *
What University Are You Affiliated With? *
Do you have any questions for the panelists?
Lastly, do you have any questions, comments or concerns about the event?
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