Apprenticeship Evaluation
Please fill out the following form for your current apprentices - one form each.  Thank you, CNY ETA
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Email *
How would you rate your apprentice's INITIATIVE? *
Please describe why you gave the above rating. *
How would you rate your apprentice's MECHANICAL APTITUDE? *
Please describe why you gave the above rating, *
How would you rate your apprentice's acknowledgement and the following of SAFETY RULES? *
Please describe why you gave the above rating. *
How would you rate your apprentice's ATTITUDE? *
Please describe why you gave the above rating. *
How would you rate your apprentice's USE OF WORKING TIME? *
Please describe why you gave the above rating. *
How would you rate your apprentice's USE OF TOOLS & THEIR PREPAREDNESS? *
Please describe why you gave the above rating. *
How would you rate your apprentice's ACCURACY? *
Please describe why you gave the above rating. *
How would you rate your apprentice's APPEARANCE & HYGIENE? *
Please describe why you gave the above rating. *
How would you rate your apprentice's COMMUNICATION SKILLS? *
Please describe why you gave the above rating. *
How would you rate your apprentice's ATTENDANCE & TARDINESS? *
Please describe why you gave the above rating. *
How would you rate your apprentice's RESPONSIBILITY? *
Please describe why you gave the above rating. *
Please leave us any further comments or thoughts to help us in the evaluation of our apprentices. *
What are some GOALS or RECOMMENDATIONS you have for your apprentice going forward in this career? *
Please Electronically Sign this Evaluation *
Please have your APPRENTICE Electronically Sign this Evaluation. *
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