Steps in the Origin of Cells CFU
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Step 1 in the Oparin-Haldane hypothesis regarding the spontaneous origin of cells is the formation of simple organic monomers. Of the following, check off which ones are monomers. *
4 points
Step 2 of the Oparin-Haldane hypothesis regarding the spontaneous origin of cells is polymerization. Each row has a monomer; check off in each column what its polymer would be (you may need to look this up if you don't remember from general biology). *
5 points
Polysaccharides (starch)
Simple Sugars (glucose)
Amino Acids
Fatty Acids
Step 3 of the Oparin-Haldane hypothesis regarding the spontaneous origin of cells is the creation of a self-replicating polymer. In this hypothesis, RNA is considered to have come before DNA as a self-replicating molecule. What can RNA do, that DNA cannot (pick all that apply) *
3 points
Step 4 of the Oparin-Haldane hypothesis regarding the spontaneous origin of cells deals with the formation of a membrane around the self-replicating molecule, creating an internal chemistry different than the surroundings. Why are fatty acids necessary to make these membranes?
1 point
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