Pod Interest Form-Winter and Spring 2023
BOLD Arts offers pod classes that are catered to your child and their friends, bringing our trademark energetic, creative classes to a location of your choice. Pods meet weekly, mostly outdoors with virtual or indoor options for cold or rainy days. We can't wait to dance together!
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What is your name? *
What is your email address? *
Your child's name
Your child's age
Do you have 3 or more friends ready to register? (Our pods require 4 dancers who are committed to dancing together for the entirety of the semester.)
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Do you have a teacher preference, based on working with us before?
What is the age range of your group?
What is your ideal OUTDOOR Location in NYC, NJ, or Westchester?
The more specific you can be the better. For example, Riverside Park near 79th Street or John Jay Park close to the pool entrance.
We love pods, but prefer indoor space
What is your preference for class location on rainy or cold (below 40 degrees is usually our threshold) days?
Classes can either move from outdoors to virtual or to an indoor space connected to a pod member like a party room, covered courtyard, etc.
How did you hear about BOLD Arts?
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Our Spring 2022 semester will run from Saturday April 2nd-Saturday June 18th. Please note any dates that you would not like us to hold class for your pod. (NYC DOE Spring break? Memorial Day?)
Day of the week first choice
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Day of the week second choice
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Start Time
Anything else you'd like us to know.
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