Planting Day 2 and Mulching
When: NEW DATE September 21  9AM-5PM (rain date: September 22)
Where: Wright-Locke Farm, 82 Ridge Street, Winchester MA


Help plant our fast forest with us! 
This forest with its supercharged soil and densely planted native mature-forest trees (Miyawaki-style) will grow at a much faster rate than normal forests. And it will live for hundreds of years and many human generations.

Contact us:

We will send more information to you before the planting date of September 21.
Please let us know if you need accommodation.

Please fill out the Wright-Locke Farm Consent Form as well as our form below.

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Email *
First and Last Name *
Phone Number
(in case of scheduling issues)
Children under 17 must be accompanied by an adult. How many such children in your party?
Are you volunteering as part of a group? 
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If part of a group, what group is it?
What to wear and bring?
We suggest you wear sensible footwear (e.g. sturdy shoes / boots) and outdoor clothing ... you might get dirty! If you can, bring gloves and a small spade or shovel, though we will have some tools onsite.

We aim for a zero-waste event. Please bring your reusable water bottle and be mindful of the recycling bins and general waste disposal.
Location and Parking :
WINCHESTER FAST FOREST is located on conservation land behind Wright-Locke Farm 82 Ridge Street in Winchester, MA at the bottom of the hill after the farm pond. Please use the parking areas Saint Eulalia’s Parish on Saturday. Cars may not park along Ridge Street at any time. Please don’t park at the Community Garden across the street from the farm. Thank you for your understanding! 
Event Photography & Filming
Yes, I consent by signing up as a volunteer to the possibility of being photographed and filmed during the planting event. I acknowledge that if I have any concerns regarding photography and filming, I must inform the event organizers in advance.
Safety and Release of Liability Notice
Yes,  I agree and understand that my participation as a volunteer has inherent risk of injury to me which may not result from my own actions and/or inactions. I assume full responsibility for all risks to me and/or my property and I waive and release any claims against the event organizers including Grow Local for the Planet, Winchester Farmers Market Community Hub, Wright-Locke Farm Conservancy, Inc., and their staff, volunteers, and/or agents for any liability, losses, or damages resulting in illness, bodily injury or death to my person or damage to my property caused by participating as a volunteer. I understand that volunteering has no compensation.
Choose time slot(s) to plant for new date of Sept.  21 *
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