Feminist Spatial Practices
Hello! Thank you for your interest in Feminist Spatial Practices. We look forward to hearing from you. This form helps us to connect with people who want to be part of building a participatory online platform that nurtures feminist practices in art, design, architecture, and activism.

This project began with a diagram published on e-flux by Bryony Roberts and Abriannah Aiken that explores relationships between contemporary feminist spatial practices, political movements, and theoretical discourses. Building on that initial research, Roberts and Aiken launched an open call for people to participate in building an online platform that celebrates feminist spatial practices from around the world to enable both visibility and community building.

As a result of that open call, people from around the world are participating in a collaborative and intersectional process of forming this platform and community. Working groups are currently organizing events, researching content for the site, and fundraising for the web platform. Anyone is invited to participate in this project - people of any background and gender identification who are interested in feminist spatial practices. We are considering 'spatial practices' broadly to include any creative work engaging with the built environment (art, design, performance, architecture, planning, writing, curating, etc.). 

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

- Bryony Roberts and Abriannah Aiken
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Do you have any thoughts you'd like to share about the initial diagram published on e-flux? 
Are there any individuals, practices, or projects that you think should be represented (past, present, or future)? 
What would you like to see happen in the Feminist Spatial Practices online platform? 
What kind of involvement would you like to have in the Feminist Spatial Practices project? Check all that apply 
Do you have any suggestions for a future web platform that enables visibility and connection for feminist spatial practices? 
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