Product Requests & Suggestions

At Understance, we specialize in solution-oriented lingerie for bra sizes 28-48, A-K. We want you to feel transformed by our products.

If you can’t find a bra that meets your needs or if you have specific product suggestions, we’d love to hear from you. Your feedback helps us create perfect bras for all. 

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What is your current bra size? (band and cup, US sizing) *
Have you tried our size calculator? *
What style(s) would you like to see from us? (ex. more supportive wireless bras, more projection with lower side wires, etc. Let us know what you’re looking for!) 
What Understance bras have your tried?
Is there a bra that's "almost but not perfect" from Understance or other brands? (If so, what's missing about it?)
What bra-blems do you face with your current bras? 
Do you use a few brands, or only one brand for all your needs? (Do you have a go-to brand for max support, a different one for relaxed fit, etc.?)
Any other suggestions for us? (additional comments)
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