2023 People's Rose Parade - Monday Jan 2nd 
The 2023 People's Rose Parade will be focused on the issue of the housing crisis in California and in the country. We will be marching for the unhoused, affordable housing, and rent control. Nationwide bans on rent control have been put in place by the real-estate developer lobby. All the time the number of unhoused rises. This event is a lot of fun and will probably become a tradition for you after you have experienced one parade march. With the fun comes a little work. We need volunteers to hold banners and signs. We may need people to help build the house or even join a dance routine!  Most of all show up and march! 

When: Jan 2nd, 2023, meeting at 7:00am
Where: We meet at Singer Park W California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91105
What: We do one or two of the following March, Dance, Push, Pull, Carry signs, banners, props, we sing, we chant the length of the Rose Parade Route. 
FOR - Social Justice! This Year's focus affordable housing!
We have limited t-shirts to give out. So just in case where a red or white t-shirt. 
Have questions ask on the form and we will get back to you asap!

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Last Name  *
Organization (If Any) 
Will your organization become a sponsor? 
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Will you march in the People's Rose Parade with us? *
Will you volunteer hold and walk with a banner (others will hold with you)? *
Will you join a dance routine? *
Will you help carry, push, and pull a prop float (with others)?  *
Do you have any special skills you can share? Share here with us, graphic design, carpentry, and crafting skills. *
Would you make a donation in kind or cash?
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The People's Rose Parade March!
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