Nailsea Carnival & Fayre - Stall Booking Form

Whether you are new this year, or have attended before, thank you for your interest in being part of the 2025 Nailsea Carnival & Fayre.  The Fayre, held in Millennium Park during and after the Carnival Procession, is a valued annual community event with food and entertainment which is usually attended by over a thousand people from Nailsea and the wider area.  We invite you to have a stall or concession at the Fayre to promote your organisation/business.

This year's event is due to take place on Saturday 5th July 2025, with the Fayre beginning at 1pm and ending at 5pm.  The Carnival Procession arrives at Millennium Park at approximately 1:30pm.  Stallholders are able to access the field for setup from 10am and must vacate the field by 7pm.

Prices for stalls are as follows:

- Non-profit organisation: £15 (£10 if booked before 31 March 2025)
Hobbyist/home-based small traders (e.g. craft stalls): £25 (£20 if booked before 31 March 2025)
- Commercial organisation (non-trading stall): £30 (£25 if booked before 31 March 2025)
- Commercial organisation (trading stall): £100

To book a stall at this year's event, please complete this form.  A member of the Carnival Committee will then be in touch with you to confirm your booking and provide an invoice for payment.  If you have any queries, please contact the Carnival Committee by emailing

Nailsea Carnival is organised by a team of volunteers with support from 1st Nailsea Scouts, a charity registered in England and Wales with the Charity Commission (registration number 305628).  The registered office of 1st Nailsea Scouts is The Activity and Training Centre, Clevedon Road, Nailsea, BS48 1EH.
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