Draknek New Voices Puzzle Grant 2024 - Application
For more information: https://grants.draknek.org/
Submission deadline: 23:59 PST Monday 7th October 2024
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Email *
Your name *
Your pronouns *
Your location *
Do you identify as one or more of these categories? *
Are you applying on behalf of a team? *
Tell us about yourself *
If applying on behalf of a team, please also provide the above information about each team member, the team name, and information about everyone's roles.
What’s your interest/experience with making puzzle games? *
Tell us about the project you're currently working on *
What do you find most interesting about your project?
Are you using or do you intend to use generative AI in your project? *
What would you spend the grant on? *
Playable build *
Please provide a URL or 10x Steam keys
Build is playable on *
Video (optional but highly recommended)
If available, please share gameplay footage (with or without developer commentary), and/or a trailer
Social media
Not required
Can we contact you about future opportunities that might be relevant to you?
E.g. other grants
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Is there anything else you want to tell us?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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