Application form - Choreographic competition 3...2...1...DANCE! 2023

The competition is held during the Krakow Dance Festival (31July - 6 August 2023)

Competition date: 3rd August 2023

Fill all of the information. 
Make sure the links to recording can be opened.
Accept the regulations and statements contained in the form.
Within a few days we will send you an email confirming receipt of your application.
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Email *

Title of the work


Name and surname of choreographer(s)


Date of birth of choreographer(s)


Form of presentation 


Name and surname of dancer(s)


Date of birth of dancer(s)


Duration of the presentation


Link to the video of presentation (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo)


Premiere place and date (if applicable)

Technical notes (props or elements that are used and need to be cleaned after the presentation etc.)
Short work description (max. 6 sentences)
Information about the authors of the work (max. 6 sentences about each)
Information about the music used in the presentation (ZAIKS[1]):
Title of track -   Name of composer -  Lyrics’ author -   Music performer

[1] ZAIKS - Polish Society of Authors and Composers (Związek Autorów i Kompozytorów Scenicznych, ZAiKS) is a Polish organization representing artists and composers with the mission of "defending their copyrights".


Contact address *
Phone number *
Bank account number (IBAN, SWIFT) *


3…2…1…DANCE! EDITION 2023


I.      General Information

1.   Presented regulations of the Choreographic Competition 3…2…1…DANCE! Edition 2023, hereafter referred to as “Regulations”, determine the rules of the Competition, under which the Participants of the Competition and the Winners of the Competition will be selected.

2.   The Competition is organized by Nowa Huta Cultural Centre in Krakow, al. Jana Pawła II 232, 31-913 Kraków, NIP: 675-000-65-76, REGON 001002538.

3.   The Competition is dedicated to choreographers and dancers, who are actively engaged in the art of dance and who are in the age of 18 or more and have full legal capacity.

4.   Under the Competition there is a possibility to submit solo presentations, duets and trios, based on widely understood contemporary dance.

5.   Any reference in these Regulations refers to:

a)    Candidate – a natural person who is an artist – choreographer and the author of submitted presentation, which will take part in Eliminations under the Choreography Competition 3…2…1…DANCE! Edition 2023, who is in the age of 18 or more and has full legal capacity, and who will take part in Preliminary Round of the Competition.

b)   Eliminations – the procedure conducted by the Organizer, to appoint the Competition Participants, who will submit their presentations during the Choreography Competition 3…2…1…DANCE! Edition 2023, which will be held in Nowa Huta Cultural Centre on 3rd August 2023.

c)    Organizer – Nowa Huta Cultural Centre in Krakow, al. Jana Pawła II 232, 31-913 Kraków, NIP: 675-000-65-76, REGON 001002538;

d)   Competition - the Choreography Competition 3…2…1…DANCE! Edition 2023, which will be held in Nowa Huta Cultural Centre on 3rd August 2023.

e)    Presentation – the work from the field of contemporary dance: solo, duo or trio, which was chosen under the Eliminations and will be presented during the Competition. The time of the Presentation can not exceed 10 minutes. The time of the Presentations will be strictly enforced.

f)    Participant – the natural person who is an artist – choreographer, author of the presentation which has qualified during the Eliminations to take part in the Choreography Competition 3…2…1…DANCE! Edition 2023.

g)   The accreditation charge – the charge in the amount of 10 EUR, which has to be paid to take part in the Eliminations to the Competition. Payment should be made by the bank transfer on the account of Nowa Huta Cultural Centre: 08102028920000560205910130, with the note “the accreditation charge – 3…2…1…DANCE! and the name of the Candidate”. All the Participants who attend regularly to the classes of the Laboratory in Krakow Choreographic Centre are exempt from charges.


II.      Applications and selections of Participants of The Competition.

1.      Call for submissions for the Competition will be held in the period: 11 April – 31 May 2023. Each Candidate can send more than one submission (solo, duo, trio).

2.      Applications may be submitted by: making the accreditation charge and filling out the registration form, located on the website: The registration form should also contain link enabling the Organizer to play the video of the presentation posted on the Internet by the Candidate. The presentation should be sent as the full recording in the best possible quality, without  multimedia projections. Work in progress, teasers and trailers will not be admitted to Eliminations. During Eliminations, only the full recording of the exact Presentation to be presented during the Competition will be considered.

3.      Applications delivered to the Organizer later than on 31 May 2023 or incomplete and not complying the requirements specified in the Regulations will not be considered. Completing and sending the registration form is tantamount to accepting the Regulations.

4.      Evaluation of applications and selecting the Participants, who will show their Presentations during the Competition will be made by the committee of the Organizer’s representatives. Committee, mentioned in the preceding sentence, will chose the Participants, by assessing the presentations submitted to the Competition, based on widely understood contemporary dance. Committee is entitled to select another Participant in the event of resignation of the Candidate qualified for the Competition.

5.      Eliminations results will be announced by 13 June 2023. Information about qualification to the Competition will be sent to the Candidate by e-mail till 13 June 2023. Each Candidate will receive the information regarding her/his qualification.


III.   The Competition

1.      Organizer reserves the exclusive right to determine the order of submission the Presentations during the Competition.

2.      Every Participant is entitled to a short, 20-minute rehearsal in the stage space on 3rd August 2023, in accordance with the schedule agreed with the Organizer.

3.      The Competition includes one day: 3rd August 2023. On 3rd August 2023 will take place: presentations of the Competition, the selection of the laureates and after-competition discuss with Jury and audience participation, prize awards to the winners of the Competition.

4.      Presentations will be ticketed.

5.      Presentations on 3rd August 2023 will be held on the Main Stage of Nowa Huta Cultural Centre, al. Jana Pawła II 232, in the simple technical conditions (white light equally covering the playing field, black ballet floor, the playing field 10x10 meters, black curtains, sound system). There is a possibility of using black-outs during the presentation and controlling the level of light. There is no possibility to use multimedia projections.

6.      Presentations qualified to take part in the Competition will be graded by three-person jury. There will be awarded cash prizes (3600 euro in total). Each juror will award two prizes without consulting with the other members of jury (one in the amount of 600 euro, and the other one in the amount of 400 euro) for two selected Presentations, specifying in the certificate the particular values of the Presentation, which determines its distinction. There will be also another prize awarded by voting of the audience (in the amount of 600 euro). The above-mentioned amount of the awards were determined on a gross basis and will be paid after deduction of tax due.

7.      Music used during the presentation should be delivered to the Organizer by mail in mp3 or wav format until 30 June 2023.

8.      Organizer does not return the cost of traveling and meals and does not cover the cost of insurance of the Participants qualified for the Competition.


IV.       Personal Data

1.      Data administrator:

Nowohuckie Centrum Kultury (NCK)

al. Jana Pawła II 232, 31-913 Kraków

2.      Data protection officer: contact:  

3.      Your rights:

Every time your data is incomplete, incorrect, you want to limit the processing of it, object to processing, transfer data to another administrator or simply delete it, please send your request to the e-mail address provided. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority – Prezes Ochrony Danych Osobowych.

4.      Purpose of processing:

We process your data only when you give it to us in the form of: first name, last name, age, city of residence, e-mail address, telephone number, information about dance experience in order to organize and run the Competition and ensure participation in the Competition. Providing data is not necessary, but if they are not given, it will not be possible to implement services.

5.      Information on the profiling and transferring personal data to a third country or to international organizations:

Offers are not profiled. The administrator does not transfer your personal data to a third country or to international organizations.

6.      Legal basis for processing: Performance of the contract, i.e. organization of the Competition – in accordance with art. 6 paragraph 1 b RODO, which party is the customer.

7.      The period of storage of personal data:

Your personal data is processed for a period of 3 months

8.      Information about recipients of personal data or categories of recipients:

a)     entities authorized to receive the data on the basis of the law, persons authorized by the Data administrator,

b)    entities to which the Data administrator orders performance of activities that involve the necessity of data processing.

9.      Personal data is protected and processed in accordance to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation) and in accordance with the Act of 10th May 2018 on the Protection of Personal Data.


V.      Capturing and use of the image and license for using the Presentation.

1.      Each Participant by filling up the application form gives free permission to Organizer for preserve her / his image and the image of the dancers appearing in the presentation, in the form of photographs and film.

2.      Each Participant by filling the application form gives free permission to Organizer to preserve the presentation by Organizer in the form of photographs and film and gives free permission for using the image of the Participant and dancers appearing in the Presentation, which were captured during their participation in the Competition. The images will be used for the purpose of documenting and promoting the activities of Organizer, in particular by posting the image of the Participant and dancers appearing in a Presentation in the form of photographs or video on websites of Organizer, the posters and the exhibition of photographs relating to Organizer and the Competition.

3.      Each Participant by filling the application form gives voluntary and non-exclusive license to Organizer for using the presentation submitted by the Participant to the Competition, in the field of exploitation, including in particular: capturing the presentation in the form of photography and film in the digital and analog technique, using and spreading this presentation under cultural and educational activity of Nowa Huta Cultural Centre, during conducting the courses and dance workshops, organizing performances and concerts and other events based of the artistic nature, promotional campaigns of Nowa Huta Cultural Centre and in purpose of documenting Nowa Huta Cultural Centre activity, without territorial or time limits.

4.      Each Participant by filling the application form gives voluntary and non-exclusive license to Organizer for using the presentation submitted by the Participant to the Competition, in the field of exploitation, including in particular: capturing the presentation in the form of photography and film in the digital and analog technique and in the field of providing this presentation in the way, that everyone could have access to it in the individually chosen place and time, especially through the Internet, through websites, social network and e-mail, without territorial or time limits.

5.      The Participant declares, that she/he owns full copyright laws to the presentation, and in case of using the work of the other authors, the Participant declares that she/he is entitled to do so. In terms of any claims against the Organizer, the Participant commit themselves to full and effective exemption the Organizer from the obligation to settling these claims.

6.      The Participant declares that she/he has the right to express all of the approvals and authorizations referred to the terms included in Regulations. The Participant declares, that in case of any claims against Organizer, she/he commits themselves to full and effective exemption the Organizer from the obligation to settling these claims.



I declare that I have read the Regulations of the Choreographic competition 3...2...1...DANCE! edition 2023 and I accept its provisions.

According to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation) and in accordance with the Act of 10th May 2018 on the Protection of Personal Data. I consent to processing of my personal data and personal data of the persons indicated in the application form, in the purpose of organizing and conducting the Competition by Nowa Huta Cultural Centre, including identification of candidates, participants and other people connected with the Presentations, conducting the Eliminations and the Competition, as well as selecting the laureates.


I consent to  unpaid publish of my image and image of other people indicated in the application form in non-commercial materials presenting the work of the Organizer, posted on the website and in information materials in the form of print, video and film.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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