CCC Workshop Booking Form
Please use this google form to sign up for any of our workshops throughout the year. 
Please note that bookings close at 10am the day before the workshop
For the paid workshops: Please note that "no-shows" or cancellations made within 24 hours of the workshop start time will incur a full payment obligation. Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to having you join us!

Let us know if you have any questions by contacting support at: or at 063 688 5593.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name and Surname *
Person Responsible for Account 
Email *
Company Name *
Vat Number (for invoicing for the Full Carbon Footprint Workshop or the Agri-Carbon Crash Course)
Company Address *
Has your organization bought a CCC license previously? *
Workshop Name *
The Light Carbon Footprint workshop is presented free of charge.  The Full Carbon Footprint Workshop and the Carbon Crash Course carries a cost. 
Light =  This workshop is for new users of the CCC tool or anyone in need of a refresher. It provides basic training on how to use the carbon calculator. Presented online for free.

Full =  A more in-depth training workshop that includes a carbon footprint assignment.  A certificate is issued on the successful completion of the assignment. Online and in-person options,  CCC License Holders cost is R1173 (incl. VAT). Non-license holders cost is R2 875 (incl. VAT).

The Agri-Carbon Crash Course =  This is a special workshop that the CCC team is hosting for anyone looking for a deep-dive into all things related to carbon emissions and climate change in agriculture. Learn about the natural carbon cycle, greenhouse gas emissions, climate change legislation, emission reduction plans, and carbon removals or sequestration. A great session for anyone new to these topics that wants to get a better understanding. Presented online at a cost of R1173 (incl. VAT).

Please refer to for more details.
Workshop Date *
Choose a suitable date for the workshop type you selected in the previous question. 
Number of seats to book *
Name and Surname - 1 *
Email address - 1 *
Cell Number - 1 *
Name and Surname - 2
Email address - 2
Cell Number - 2
Name and Surname - 3
Email address - 3
Cell Number - 3
Name and Surname - 4
Email address - 4
Cell Number - 4
Name and Surname - 5
Email address - 5
Cell Number - 5
Additional attendees name, email and cell number if more than 5
Are there any specific questions/topics you would like to be covered during the workshop?
Would you like Blue North Sustainability to provide you information about some of our other tools/applications?
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