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USY AlumNet
USY Alumni is proud to launch our USY AlumNet initiative - a new way to create active networks of USY alumni who share the same interests and passions. A USY AlumNet is an activity or special interest group, where at least 6 alumni get together to help USY alumni connections grow and thrive!
You can now apply to be an Net Captain by starting your own USY AlumNet!
Net Captains will receive a $250 stipend (via a gift card), as well as up to $500 operational funds to run their USY AlumNet. Each Net Captain will be required to host a group of at least 6 USY Alumni (includes the Net Captain) , holding a minimum of 6 events over a 6 month period of time. Net Captains will also be required to submit very brief monthly updates, as well as all receipts.
USY AlumNets can be held in person or virtually.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
First Name
Your answer
Last Name
Your answer
Mobile Phone Number
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Year of high school graduation
Your answer
Former USY region
Your answer
I am a:
Former USYer
Former USY Staff Member
Former Summer Program Participant
Former Nativ Participant
Type of the USY AlumNet I would like to run: (i.e. Walking/Hiking , Peloton, Book Club, Jewish Learning, Sporting Events, Shabbat Meals, Outdoor Adventurs, Cooking, Movie/Theater Club etc.)
Your answer
Short description of my USY AlumNet:
Your answer
I plan to:
Have my AlumNet meet in-person
Have my AlumNet meet virutally
Have a hybrid model with some events in-person and some virtually
I would prefer to:
Gather my own USY AlumNet participants
Start a group and open it for any USY alumni to participate
Gather some of my own alumni participants, and open some spots to other USY alulmni
By checking here, I certify that all information submitted by me on this application is true and complete. I understand that I am responsible to account for all USY AlumNet financial expenditures, and that all such funds or monies are used for the sole purpose of the AlumNet experience. I agree to abide by the guidelines and policies as outlined by USY Alumni and The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, and I agree that my status can be terminated, with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time by The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.
Yes I agree
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