Lean Method For English
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True or False test
Please choose the correct answer: true or false?
Each CORRECT answer is 1 point
Each INCORRECT answer is -1 point
"I don't know" answers is 0 point
1. Berlin is a small country *
1 point
2. There are seven letters in the word "radio" *
1 point
3. The opposite of "first" is "last" *
1 point
4. we eat breakfast in the evening *
1 point
5. A mouse is a big animal *
1 point
6. Knives and forks are made of metal *
1 point
7. People are happy when they sleep badly *
1 point
8. It`s necessary to pay when we buy something in a shop. *
1 point
9. It`s easy to drive on a foggy day. *
1 point
10. A horse is stronger than an elephant. *
1 point
11. Diet and exercise are important if you want to be healthy *
1 point
12. We would`t be in danger if this building were in flames *
1 point
13. People can change the laws of nature. *
1 point
14. Kind people have a lot of enemies. *
1 point
15. When you want to buy something, it`s good to compare different products before choosing one. *
1 point
16. "Sidewalk" and "pavement" both mean the same thing. *
1 point
17. A roomate is a person who works with us in the same corporation. *
1 point
18. A commuter is a person who travels long distances to work every day. *
1 point
19. Some people are superstitious about walking under a ladder. *
1 point
20. "I would have got injured if i had been with them in the car" means that i was injured in a car crash. *
1 point
21. You can book a hotel room if there are no vacant rooms. *
1 point
22.Your teeth will decay if you neglect to brush them, *
1 point
23. Greedy people are seldom satisfied with what they get. *
1 point
24. A person who remains unconscious after an accident shouldn`t be moved. *
1 point
25. In some countries the law recognizes smacking a child as assault *
1 point
26. A child`s health is a common anxiety of a parent. *
1 point
27. We get rough winds in a mild climate *
1 point
28. The opposite of "tough" is "tender". *
1 point
29. The stroke of lightning comes before the thunder. *
1 point
30. Light bulbs often need replacement. *
1 point
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