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Meditation Yoga
Yoga works not just because of the physical postures that the body takes. There is also the mental focus, and slowly an evolution of many different aspects. In this Meditation Yoga class, we focus on preparing the body and mind so that meditation becomes a natural process for you.

Here you learn an ancient yoga practice called Surya Kriya. "Surya" means "sun" and "kriya" means "inner energy process" This is a holistic practice for complete inner wellbeing. It incorporates physical postures and trains the mind for clarity and focus. It is a powerful process and can be a very meditative experience.
Improves cardiac function

Full body aerobic exercise - As much as 60% of our muscles go generally unused in day-to-day activity. This practice uses 95-97% of the muscles in your body.

Better circulation of lymph

Corrects imbalances of the endocrine glands as the glands are toned and stretched and receive better blood supply

Slowly helps to regulate thyroid and parathyroid

Helps manage stress and regulate adrenal glands

Helps with glucose regulation and improves pancreatic function

The whole nervous system is stimulated, and pinched nerves can be relieved or mitigated

Increased flexibility and strength

Realign the muscular and skeletal system, creating better posture and more integrated total body function

Improves balance

Focuses the mind in a way that improves concentration, memory, and sleep quality.

Helps to reduce anxiety

Normalizes weight

Improves immune response

Decrease in pain

Increased energy levels
Venue:  MTSU Paul W. Martin Honors Building, Room 116 (1st Floor)
It's good to arrive at least 5-10 minutes before the class starts and allow yourself to settle.
Parking is available in adjacent lots, open on weekends. All doors except the front door will be locked.

The program venue is carpeted. Please bring your own yoga mat if you wish to use one. There are usually some extra mats.

** The fee must be paid in full before participating in the program. **
Select your class date *
Payment Method
The fee for this program is $70 for the general public, or $40 for students.

We accept online payment through MTSU Marketplace.
You will be directed to online payment through MTSU Marketplace after clicking SUBMIT at the end of this registration page

** The fee must be paid in full before participating in the program.
Please arrive by 15 minutes before the start of the class on the first day to complete any registration formalities and get settled. **

The program includes two 3 hr 30 minute sessions.

Cancellation Policy
You are encouraged to register as soon as possible as classes fill up quickly.  There will be no refunds on sessions for cancellations made less than 48 hours before the program. Any full course cancellations made prior to these corresponding dates will receive a refund minus a $25 cancellation fee.  If we experience circumstances that cause the class to be canceled, you will receive a full refund.
Contact Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Preferred Name
Date of Birth
Email *
City of Residence
Phone *
Emergency Contact
Preferred Method of Contact
Clear selection
Emergency Contact Name *
Relation to Participant *
Phone *
Alternate Phone Number
Prior Isha Yoga Experience
(Prior experience not required.)
Have you taken an Isha Yoga program before? *
(Inner Engineering, Shambhavi, Bhava Spandana, Yogasanas, Surya Kriya, etc.)
If yes, please list the name, date, and location of the program(s) to the best of your ability.
(If no, please continue to the next section.)
Health Information
(All health information is kept confidential and is used only for class purposes.)
Please indicate if you currently suffer from, or have previously suffered from any of the following conditions:
(Check any that apply.)
If you have checked any of the above, please give details of the nature and duration of the condition and if you are currently undergoing any treatment:
Allergy Information
If you have checked any of the above, please give details of the nature of the allergy and the treatment required in case of emergency:
Are you currently pregnant?
Clear selection
About You
How did you hear about this program?
What do you hope to take from this program?
Program Conditions
1. Attendance.
Attendance to both sessions is compulsory. If you cannot make one of the sessions, please schedule a different class or speak with the teacher. Please do not practice half-learned yoga.
Please arrive at least 5-10 minutes before the class starts and allow yourself to settle.

2. Empty Stomach.
 You must come to the class on an empty stomach. This is a very subtle process. In the tradition they say when you practice Hata Yoga, it should be just the body.

To help ensure that, this means you come to the class at least:
(4 hours) after a meal
(2 1/2 hours) after a snack
(45 minutes) after a cigarette
(30 minutes) after a beverage other than water
(10 hours) after consuming alcohol

Water is fine before the class, but please try to take care of restroom breaks before the class or during the break so that you don't miss out.
(Don't worry, this isn't hot yoga so you shouldn't have to worry about sweating it all out.)

(If you are diabetic or hypoglycemic or have any similar conditions, please list it above in the health section so that the teacher can speak with you before the class. This should not be an issue, and we would like to be able to take care of any special considerations beforehand so that you can just focus on the class.)
 The purpose of this class is to impart Surya Kriya as a living yoga practice to the students. You come away with a self-sufficient, powerful yogic process that you can incorporate into your daily schedule however best you see fit without the need for a gym or equipment. That does not mean, however, that you are on your own after the class is finished. A free correction and followup session can be scheduled at the end of the program, and all practice questions and concerns can be sent to Rishi at or (615)-768-YOGA(9642).

Rishi was trained at the Isha School of Hata Yoga in southern India.
More info on the school can be found here:
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