RCM Incident Reporting/Complaint Form
Redwood Coast Montessori works to promote an environment where our students, staff, and families feel safe and welcome.  Harassment and discrimination are serious and will not be tolerated.  

If you are a student, the parent/guardian or close relative of a student, or a school staff member and wish to report an incident of alleged harassment and/or discrimination, please complete this form. 

When you complete this form, our administrative team and the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee will review the information you provide and determine any next steps.  We would like to understand your experience and appreciate any details you provide.  If you are comfortable sharing your name and contact information, we will reach out to follow-up with you to offer you support as well as communicate next steps.  

We will do everything in our power to protect your confidentiality and keep your identity private.  However, please know that we are mandated reporters.  This means that we must contact law enforcement or child protective services if you describe anything that indicates that any student - including you - is in danger or a threat to themselves, or others.
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Today's Date *
What role in our school best describes you? *
Approximate date of the incident *
Where did the incident occur? *
Describe the incident in as much detail as possible.  Include names, descriptions (location, what actions happened, quotes of what was said), and witnesses (if any).
How did you feel when the incident occurred?
How do you feel about the incident now?
What form of support might you be interested in? (Please check all that apply)
How else might we support you?  What would you like the school to do in response?
Is there anything else that you would like us to know?
Your first and last name
(optional- you may submit this form anonymously)
What is the best phone number to reach you?
(optional- you may submit this form anonymously)
What is your email address?
(optional- you may submit this form anonymously)
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This form was created inside of Redwood Coast Montessori. Report Abuse