Roots & Shoots Registration Form
Join us as part of a dynamic global youth network where adults and youth work together to share ideas and inspiration to implement successful community service projects and participate in special events and global campaigns.

Roots & Shoots is the Jane Goodall Institute’s global, environmental and humanitarian programme for young people. Our mission is to foster respect and compassion for all living things, to promote understanding of all cultures and beliefs and to inspire each individual to take action to make the world a better place for the environment, animals and the human community. All Roots & Shoots members, from pre-K to university, various organisations demonstrate their care and concern for living things through service projects in their own communities.

Registration is FREE.

By registering your group you are entitled to:

Become part of the global network of 150,000 Roots & Shoots groups from 138 countries, which are making a positive difference in the world
Roots & Shoots Singapore Startup Kit
Roots & Shoots Resource Kit that includes project ideas with contacts, tips on group management

Jane Goodall Institute (Singapore) e-Newsletter

Assistance when preparing and implementing your project
Invitations to Roots & Shoots talks, workshops, training, events and campaigns
Application for annual award for outstanding Roots & Shoots Singapore group
Opportunity to attend Roots & Shoots Regional & Global Summits

To become a member of Roots & Shoots simply complete the online form below. We will email you confirmation within 2 weeks.

Roots & Shoots Registration
Please use the form below to register your Roots & Shoots group. For other inquiries, please email

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Type of membership: *
Name of School/ Organisation *
Mailing Address *
Official name of your group *
e.g. name of your CCA group, whole school/ organisation
Name of Coordinator 1/ Teacher 1 *
Mobile Phone   *
Email address *
Position and Department *
e.g. Coordinator of VIA CCE department, Teacher-in-charge of Green club
Name of Coordinator 2/ Teacher 2 *
Please enter N.A. if you do not have another teacher or coordinator
Mobile Phone *
Email address *
Position and Department *
Number of Group members *
Age range of members *
The following information allows us to keep accurate member data and helps us to develop new materials. Please tick all the relevant boxes: *
Please tick more than one if necessary
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