University Employees Letter to PSU Requesting Anti-Racism Training

The stress and strain of COVID and the ongoing protests and social unrest have many of us looking around asking each other, are we doing the best we can for each other, the students we serve, and our communities? With conversations occurring at various levels of the university, we recognize a need to reach every PSU employee to ensure we are all doing the work necessary to continue to work towards making the university an equitable space.

University employees from across the campus have come together to draft the letter below to the university administration requesting the development and institutionalization of anti-racism training for all university employees. We would like to present this request to the administration at the October 30th Equity Summit. We ask that university employees who have felt compelled to participate in anti-racism activism here in Portland and/or who recognize the complexity of ameliorating racism join our voices together asking the university to take action in alignment with the PSU Mission and Values by providing annual anti-racism training.

We invite you to sign on to the letter below to advocate for anti-racism training provided by the university. If you would like to support the request, but fear retaliation or otherwise do not wish to share your name, please sign with your job title/position only.

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Letter to the administration
With renewed social action in response to police killings of Black people across the country, many PSU faculty, staff, and students are reflecting on the ways the university perpetuates racial inequality. There have been pockets of effort as individuals come together to talk about what they can do, but racism is a systemic issue, and requires systemic solutions. Thus, the signees of this letter ask the university to implement annual anti-racism training as one part of greater efforts to address racism in the university. We believe that training is one way for PSU to commit to anti-racism, which clearly aligns with PSU’s Mission and Values.

PSU states within its Mission: “We educate a diverse community of lifelong learners.”

And PSU Values include: “access, inclusion and equity as pillars of excellence” and “everyone should be treated with integrity and respect.”

Many of the students, faculty, and staff recognize that PSU is not taking necessary actions to promote this Mission or these Values. In failing to take action in addition to making statements, the university continues to alienate the very students, faculty, and staff who make PSU diverse. Equity is difficult to measure, and discrimination or prejudice at times is unconscious and/or difficult to prove, yet this should not stop us from trying to ameliorate inequity.

Currently departments, units, and groups of individuals who are already doing anti-racism work are doing so in an ad hoc fashion, on their own time, and at their own expense. While this is commendable, depending on departments and individuals to initiate anti-racism training and discussion leaves these important avenues for growth inaccessible and unsustainable. To commit to its Mission and Values, the university needs to commit the financial and institutional resources necessary to provide training that reaches all current and future employees.

We recognize an immediate need for the university to provide annual anti-racism and cultural competency trainings to faculty, staff, and graduate student employees. We believe training has the potential to encourage growth and to reduce unconscious bias, so that those who make PSU diverse feel included and respected, and that the university is truly accessible to all.

We ask that this training is provided to all employees of the university, including all permanent, temporary, and contract employees as well as all volunteers who contribute to the functioning of the university. We believe that the administration, Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, and graduate employees all contribute to the culture and environment of the university, and thus all need to be held accountable to embody and fulfill the university’s Mission and Values.

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