New Mexico Judiciary - Juror Exit Survey
Dear Juror: New Mexico State Courts thank you for your juror service. We hope you will take a few minutes to help us evaluate and improve the jury experience by completing this survey.
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1.  Please indicate at which court you recently completed jury service? *
2.  What type of jury did you serve on? *
3.  In which New Mexico County do you live? *
4.  How long was your term of jury service? *
5.  Please rate the following factors
Very good
Initial orientation
Professionalism of Court Staff
Jury Room
Efficient Use of Juror Time
Telephone call-in or website
6.  If you required special accommodations during your jury service, please indicate which accommodations were provided.
7.  Did you experience any problems receiving the accommodations that you needed
8.  When you were first called to be a juror, what was your reaction?
9.  After having served, what is your impression of jury service?
10.  Please share your ideas about how we might improve the juror experience
The following information is optional and will help us use the feedback we've received to enhance the New Mexico jury experience for all jurors.  

11.  What is your age group?
12.  What is your gender?
13.  Ethnic Background-Check all that Apply
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