Hello, I'm Glad You Are Here!
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First and Last Name *
Class Period: *
How did you sleep last night? *
Didn't Sleep At All
Best Night's Sleep Ever
How was your breakfast or lunch? *
Skipped breakfast/lunch
I'm full
How are you feeling today? *
How are things outside of school? *
Things are going great!
Anything you want to tell me? *
How has this week of online learning been for you? *
Are you struggling with any online learning issues? Explain. *
If we continue with online learning after Spring break, what would you like me to incorporate into the lessons to make online learning easier for you? *
Would you like to connect weekly via Zoom? I could set a 30-minute time slot on a day of the week and everyone that would like to join in a virtual class to chat and catch up with each other, ask and answer questions can do so. What are your feelings regarding this? Is it something you would be interested in doing? *
Are you having issues with internet access or accessing Google classroom to do your work? *
If yes, please explain how I can make access easier for you. *
Any other thoughts or comments you would like to share with me regarding online learning and our Google classroom? *
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