List your services on Romio in LA!
Romio is a new mobile app for booking awesome local services recommended by friends. Unlike other marketplace apps, Romio is the only one built with a Social Capitalism approach!

Why offer your services on Romio? 
  • 100% free to list your services (no lead cost/hidden fee, just 10% booking fee)
  • Be your own boss: set your own rates and schedule 
  • Earn up to $250 per referral, 25% from each referral's booking (i.e. 20 referrals = up to $5,000)
  • Attract referral clients through influencer marketing 
  • One app to manage your bookings, message clients, and cash out 
  • Top providers receive quarterly cash bonuses, and more! 
We're on a mission to make it possible for all to thrive (not just survive). Interested in being a part of our Social Capitalism movement? 

We're looking for talented service providers for our upcoming soft-launch in Los Angeles. 

Perhaps that's you? Fill out this application and let's get to know each other! 😀

(Visit our website or our FAQ to learn more!)
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
First and last name
Phone number *
What services can you offer on Romio? *
(Select 1 to 2 max)
Tell us more about the services you can offer *
(Just 1-2 sentences)
How many years of experience do you have offering your services? *
Do you have any license or certification related to your service offerings? *
Are you able to offer your services in the Los Angeles area? *
Are you authorized to work in the U.S.? *
How many hours would you be available to offer your services on Romio each week? *
Which days would you be available to offer your services on Romio? 
In a typical week, how many clients are you currently offering your services to each week?
Clear selection
How much do you typically charge for your service?  *
(Either by the hour or per service. Ex. $60 per hour)
Would you be open to offering a free service to a Romio influencer in exchange for them to promote your services to their social networks?  *
Are you currently or have you previously offered your services on other service marketplace platforms? If so, which?
Tell us briefly about you! 
(And why you want to offer your services on Romio)
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