LearnTech Environment Sub-Committee
Thank you for expressing interest in joining the Digital Learning Environment Sub-Committee at UIC. Your expertise and insights are valuable as we shape the future of flexible learning environments. Please take a moment to complete this brief questionnaire to help us better understand your background and interest in contributing to this initiative.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
College/Department *
Position/Role *
Background and Interest
Which of the following best describes your role? Please select the most applicable option:
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What do you believe are the key challenges and opportunities in the implementing and sustaining of flexible learning environments at UIC?
Why are you interested in being a part of the Digital Learning Environment Sub-Committee? What unique perspectives or contributions do you believe you can bring to the committee's work?

The sub-committee's work may involve regular monthly meetings and collaborative discussions. Are you able to commit time to actively participate and contribute to the committee's efforts?

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Are there any specific areas or topics within digital learning environments that you are particularly interested in exploring or focusing on? (Please select all that apply)
Thank you for your interest in the Digital Learning Environment Sub-Committee!
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