Registered Cardiology Technologists (RCTs) are medical
professionals specifically trained in the testing, monitoring, and evaluation
of the function of patients’ hearts. The highly sensitive tests they perform,
such as Holter monitoring, ECGs, and stress tests, are crucial in the
prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiac conditions. Given that cardiac
testing involves such a vital organ and is essential in maintaining patient
cardiac health, it is absolutely pivotal that these tests are performed by
those with the skills and training required to do so properly.
However, currently in Ontario, formal education as a RCT is
not required to perform Cardiology Technology duties and tests in clinics and
hospitals. In fact, there is no legal requirement for any certification,
training, or education in order to perform cardiac tests. While certification
with the Canadian Society of Cardiology Technologists is preferred, it is not a
requirement; as long as a hospital or clinic is willing to approve of it,
legally anyone is able to perform cardiac tests regardless of experience.
Since no standard of education is being enforced, hospitals
and clinics will often offload RCT duties and cardiac tests onto professionals
that lack the appropriate training. Most often these tasks will be given to
already-overworked Nurse Practitioners, but are also being given to lab
technicians, and even secretaries and clerical staff. This offloading is mostly
done in an attempt to reduce staffing costs, but it ultimately results in an
increased risk to patients, increased labour costs to hospitals, and an inequal
quality of care throughout the province.
When Cardiology Technology duties are performed by someone
insufficiently trained, they are significantly more likely to incorrectly
interpret a test, fail to recognize an emergency situation, or deliver
inappropriate care, all of which put patients in unnecessary risk. As cardiac
tests are highly sensitive, insufficiently trained personnel are also likely to
produce inferior test data that is unclear, does not show all relevant areas,
or is simply incorrect. These inferior tests require more time for
cardiologists to interpret, or may need to be entirely redone. Various
cardiologists across Ontario that read ECGs for a specific chain of private
clinics place the repeat rate for that test at 75%. Based on the number of
branches of this clinic and the rate at which ECGs are performed, this amounts
to approximately $86,000 a day or $22.5 million a year in additional labour
costs only for ECGs performed out of this private clinic. These extra labour costs
from repeat testing add to overtime costs associated with offloading RCT duties
onto NPs, as well as delays in treatment that lead to more expensive
interventions being required.
The issue of regulation of Cardiology Technology is also one
of equity. Since RCTs are not regulated, there is no standard wage, leading to
rural areas having difficulty attracting and retaining RCTs. These areas tend
to have populations that are older and with lower annual incomes compared to
urban and suburban areas. As older adults are more likely to be in need of
cardiac tests, a situation is created in which the areas with the greatest
demand for RCTs services are the least likely to receive them.
We, the undersigned, call on the Ontario Legislative
Assembly and the Ministry of Health to aid Registered Cardiology Technologists
in their pursuit of oversight and regulation. Upon the Health and Supportive
Care Providers Oversight Authority Act, 2021 coming into effect in January
2024, we recommend a prioritization of the application made by OSCT at this
time, given the history and future risk of harm done to patients by
insufficiently-trained personnel. Providing further regulation for RCTs in
Ontario is the path forward to reduce unnecessary harm to patients and costs associated
with labour inefficiencies, and make high-quality healthcare accessible
throughout the province.