Py 逗陣社群開箱日報名表 Py-tau-tin Community Unboxing Day Registration Form
今年PyConTW 因為 COVID-19也轉到 Gather Town 啦!
地點:YouTube, Gather Town, Discord

Py 逗陣,是指來 PyConTW 一起同樂吧~
Py逗陣開箱日 Unboxing Day 2021/09/18 (六)19:30


Py-tau-tin means join us and celebrate with PyCon TW 🎉

Due to the sudden outbreak of COVID-19, PyCon Taiwan decided to change its venue to Gather Town!
Conference Date: 2021/10/02 ~ 03
Platforms: YouTube, Gather Town, Discord

Want to uncover the Gather Town venue and community booth of the 10th PyCon TW? This is your best chance! Join us on 2021/09/18 (Sat.) at 19:30 (GMT+8 / TST)

Fill in your contact information, and we'll send you the link and the password. As this event only opens to community members, make sure you provide the correct community name.  See you this Saturday!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Can't see it clearly?Join the Unboxing day on 9/18 19:30
19:30~19:40 Gathering / 19:40 ~ 19:50 Opening / 19:50 ~ 20:30 Touring / 20:30~  Exchange thoughts
姓名/稱呼    Name / Nickname
社群名稱    Community Name
聯絡電話 Phone
* I've already read and I accept the Privacy Policy of PyConTW / 我已閱讀並同意 PyCon TW 個人資料保護聲明 *
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