Contact Oldest in Britain
In order for us to provide accurate and up to date information, we encourage you to get in touch with us if you know someone who is aged over 105. This helps us to maintain our list and give up to date information that is as accurate as possible. We rely a lot on relatives of centenarians contacting us to keep this resource up to date, as well as publicly available media reports, so we really appreciate the input that you have in keeping this resource up to date.
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Email *
Your name *
Centenarian's name *
Centenarian's date of birth *
Centenarian's maiden name (if applicable)
Centenarian's town of residence *
Please tell us a bit more about the centenarian and your relation to them
I accept that the above named centenarian has consented to their name, date of birth, and place of residence being displayed on Oldest in Britain. *
This is not required for making contact, but is required if they wish for their details to be included publicly on this website.
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