HUG Artist Storefronts Waitlist
What are HUG Artist Storefronts?
HUG Artist Storefronts are an add-on to turn your HUG Artist Profile from a virtual showcase of your work to one that helps you grow and diversify your creative revenue.

What can you sell in HUG Artist Storefronts?
We believe that diversifying revenue streams is key to every creator’s success. HUG Artist Storefronts are here to empower you to monetize your work in ways as creative as your art itself. You'll be able to sell onchain collectibles, digital downloads, physical art & merchandise, and live coaching & classes.

To show you what’s possible, HUG will be rolling out a new storefront each week so you can experience what it’s like to learn more, do more, and sell more with HUG. You can view all existing and upcoming storefronts here

To be the first to explore HUG Artist Storefronts, kindly fill up this form below to provide us with more information and join the waitlist.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Preferred Name
What is your email? *
What is your HUG Profile URL?


If you do not have an Artist Profile yet, you can apply for one here.
How are you currently selling your art and/or monetizing your creative know-how?
Check all that apply.
Where are you currently selling your art and/or monetizing your creative know-how? *
Which of the following would you be interested in selling through your HUG Artist Storefront?
Check all that apply.
What are your top 3 goals for using HUG Artist Storefronts?  *
Please select the 3 most applicable options.
If applicable, please provide a link to an existing store, collection, or upcoming drop

(e.g., Etsy, Shopify, NFT marketplace, etc.)
Is there anything else you'd like us to know or any questions that you have?
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