GCSN Podcasting Kit Registration Form
The following form is to be completed by schools wanting to use the GCSN Podcasting Kit to support learning opportunities for ākonga, including preparation of entries for the Top of the Pods competition. Plains FM are generously coordinating the use of the Podcasting Kit and will be the primary point of contact and where the kit is stored. 

Terms and conditions 
  1. It is the school's responsibility to return the kit to Plains FM (or next school) within the agreed timeframe. 
  2. There is no cost to use the kit however, schools will be required to cover any costs related to the transport of the kit (if not picked up from and returned to Plains FM by the school). This includes costs incurred for delivery or return. 
  3. In the event of loss or significant damage to podcasting equipment, the school will be held responsible for replacing damaged items. This will be negotiated directly with the GCSN (Greater Christchurch Schools' Network) on a case-by-case basis. 
Contact details 

For any questions or further information please contact Plains FM - info@plainsfm.org.nz - 03 365 7997 - 0273607568 - or GCSN via the contact form on the GCSN website. 

Ngā mihi nui, 
GCSN & Plains FM

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Email *
School *
Contact person *
Contact details (please note the email provided above will be primary point of contact)
What would you like to use the podcasting kit for? Please share a little bit about your project or envisioned use of the kit.  *
How long would you like to have the kit for?  *
Are you planning to use the kit to create a podcast for the Top of the Pods competition? 
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Do you agree to the terms and conditions as established above?  *
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