Family Outreach Information
I am excited to support your student and family with fully remote learning to start this school year.  This survey (I know!  Another survey!) will help guide thinking about schedules, student needs, and our exciting year together.  

Thank you!  - Brin Tucker, 2nd Grade Remote Teacher for Green/Oak/Dummerston.
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Who is your kid, and which adult(s) would you like me to communicate with about weekly assignments, student progress, and to let you know what a great job your kid is doing?

NOTE:  One adult contact required.  Additional space included if other adults in this child's life want/need regular academic updates.  
What is your child's name?  (First & Last) *
Adult #1 - Name, email AND phone number: *
Adult #2 (if applicable) - Name, email AND phone number: (leave blank if n/a)
Adult #3 (if applicable) - Name, email AND phone number: (leave blank if n/a)
I plan to send weekly "look aheads" to guide work and meeting times for the upcoming week via email.  I also plan to send "weekly summaries" at the end of each week, via email.  Ok?  If email does NOT work for you, how do you prefer I reach out? *
What is your family most excited/hopeful about for this second grade school year?
What are any worries, questions or concerns you would like to share with me about remote learning this year?
What should I know about your child as a learner?
If your child has sibling(s) also remote learning, please tell me their name(s) and grade level(s) below.
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