6Stones at Central Bible Church: Mentor Interest Form
Are you interested in using your life experiences and relationship with Christ to help our neighbors find stability? Would you walk with us side-by-side helping our mentees discover the Hope needed to overcome adversity? Do you have a daily, active relationship with the Lord Jesus?  If so, Momentum mentoring is just for you! Through Momentum, you can serve as a Catalyst of Hope mentoring a neighbor through some of life's most essential topics. Over the course of 4 months, you and your mentee will develop a relationship empowered by Christ opening new doors together. Sign up below if you are interested in joining our next Cohort as a mentor!
To be a Mentor you will need to provide a letter of recommendation from your church or community pastor as well as attend our Mentor Training on Wednesday, January 29th 6:00-8:00pm 
For questions contact Jon Rhiddlehoover, jon@wearecentral.org.

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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Cell Phone Number *
Physical Address *
Next cohort will begin on Wednesday, February 5th at Central Bible Church from 6:30 - 8:00 pm and will meet every Wednesday for 9 weeks. Mentor Training is highly encouraged and will be help 2 weeks prior to the start of the cohort. 
Tell us your testimony of how you developed a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 
What experience do have that you believe will help you be a good mentor? *
What church, small group, or ministry body are you regularly apart of or serve in, if any?
By checking the box below you agree to have a member of the CBC team contact you regarding Momentum mentorship and that any information provided is correct to the best of your knowledge. *
By checking the box below you understand a background will be part of the process.
The next cohort begins February 5th at Central Bible Church. Mentor training will be on January 29th.
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