Writing With Jaz
On Your Mark, Get Set, Write!

Welcome to Writing with Jaz!  Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey to find your voice and develop a valuable skill that you can use no matter where you go in life?  Then you're in the right place.  Writing With Jaz is a writing workshop developed to encourage Middle School Aged students to find and honor their inner writer.  Whether you're an avid writer or you're just starting, this workshop is sure to give you the tools necessary to grow into the writer you always dreamed of being.  If you or a parent/guardian are having trouble filling out this submission form, please contact Jazmin at Jazminwitherspoon@yahoo.com.  
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What is your name? *
How old are you? *
What grade are you in? *
What school do you go to? *
Email of parent/guardian.  (You can use your own if you have permission from your guardian).  This is how you'll receive your link to the workshop. *
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