Content Creator Application (Design Buddies & UXGO)
As a content creator, you have the opportunity to collaborate with Design Buddies and UXGO on educational design content to reach the largest design community! 

We are looking for content creators to (either or both):
- Feature your existing content on our 2.5 million follower IG account @ui__ux 
- Co-create content with us
- Earn cash commissions through our affiliate program 

Questions? Email Grace Ling ( and Leon Zhang ( 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your full name *
What topics do you create content about? *
What are your goals as a content creator? *
What are your links where you share your content? *
Are you interested in earning commissions through our affiliate program?  *
Do you have any links of existing posts or new posts you'd like us to feature on IG @ui__ux ? 
Is there anything else you'd like to share?
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