"Dreams Journal: Stories from Otherwise Worlds" sign-up form
A collective journaling project to reflect on the past and present and to dream futures that transcend the current and ongoing state of crisis.

Para español: https://tinyurl.com/DIARIOSdeSUENOS
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“For generations black feminists have had to support each other in working to create a drastically more loving world in the face of complete denial of our value, our thought processes, our existence, our labor, our loved ones, EVERYTHING. I think that the space of dreams, shared and individual, has been an important counter-space and resource.”--Alexis Pauline Gumbs

“Without new visions we don’t know what to build, only what to knock down. We not only end up confused, rudderless, and cynical, but we forget that making a revolution is not a series of clever maneuvers and tactics but a process that can and must transform us.” --Robin D. G. Kelley

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”--Arundhati Roy

“We can train ourselves to respect our feelings and to transpose them into a language so they can be shared. And where that language does not yet exist, it is our poetry which helps to fashion it. Poetry is not only dream and vision; it is the skeleton architecture of our lives. It lays the foundation for a future of change, a bridge across our fears of what has never been before.”--Audre Lorde

“Perhaps it is in these ruptured, fragile spaces--what Derrida called “aporetic moments”--those moments when things break and create openings for another kind of world-making and “world”-traveling, another kind of pedagogy, another kind of politics--where radical forms of love and justice emerge as possible.” --Anna Rios-Rojas
Dear People from the Oppress(ed/ive) World(s),
We reach out to you from the otherwise world(s) (King, et al., 2020).* We reach out to you from a world where your struggle and the struggle of your ancestors have finally resulted in the dismantling of the systems of oppression. We reach out to you from a world with its foundation in love, its nourishment in community, its pillars in care and joy.

As a legacy of Black feminists and womxn of color have taught us, dreams are deeply personal, communal, political. Dreams are sacred and ancestral, connecting us to our ancestors who have passed down their dreams through the generations, flowing through our veins. Dreams are the visions and the guides towards decolonial futures. Dreams are an act of resistance for our oppression-marked bodies in world(s) where our dreams, feelings, and emotions are marginalized and not meant to survive. Dreams are a space of healing, a site of knowledge, a shared connection and resource for our communities.

We reach out to you with a call to archive your dreams, visions, reflections of your world, moments of your despair, hope, resistance, joy, care, all of which will serve to co-create our new otherwise world(s). Your dreams will become the basis of transformation, your reflections the guide to building, the snapshots of your emotions the pathway to healing.

This project is an archival project to create space to, one, explore and reflect on the past and present interactions with systems of oppression, and two, dream futures that transcend the current state of crisis. Through this project, we hope to create space for healing, reflection, co-creation of art, and centering of affect and desire.

After signing up, a journal will be mailed to you to keep for two weeks. During this time, the journal can serve as your space to document your dreams, visions, hopes, emotions, feelings, resistances, reflections, etc. A series of prompts will be shared to guide and inspire through a virtual document, @centralcoast_snapshots Instagram stories, previous entries within the journal, and optional workshops. We invite your creativity in expressing yourself, whether by creating vision boards, making art, writing poetry, drawing, painting, sketching, etc. You can choose to remain anonymous (and if you do, make sure to not include any identifying information).

After two weeks, you will mail the journal back using the prepaid postage and envelope we will provide to you. The journal will then travel to someone else to continue the work of documenting their dreams and putting it in conversation with yours.

We look forward to dreaming alongside you and collaboratively creating knowledge and visions for the future!

With love,
The Central Coast Covid-19 Snapshots Project
of the Central Coast Public Humanities Collaborative

*King, T. L., Navarro, J., & Smith, A. (2020). Otherwise worlds: Against settler colonialism and anti-Blackness. Duke University Press.
We care about your privacy and confidentiality concerns. Hence, none of the information below will be made public or shared with others to protect your privacy. We will only use this information to coordinate your participation in the project directly with you.
Your Name *
Pronouns *
e.g., she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/theirs
Affiliation *
What are your institutional and/or organizational affiliations (student at Cal Poly, staff at Cuesta, faculty at Hancock, community member in SLO, etc.)?
Email *
Phone Number
Mailing Address *
The journal will be mailed to this address. If you would like to participate virtually by contributing through online submissions only, please write in "virtual."
Social identity *
This project seeks to center the narratives of members of the hxstorically marginalized communities. What communities do you identify with? (ex: Black, Indigenous, Person of Color, Queer, Trans*, Differently-abled, Undocumented, etc.)
Age *
If you are under 18 years of age, we will need a parent/guardian signature and their permission for your participation. Please let us know if you are under/over 18 years old.
Parent/guardian email (if applicable)
If you are under the age of 18, please include your parent/guardian's email.
Permission to share your work *
To participate, you must agree to the following terms. All personally identifying information included when you sign up (name, address, phone number) will not be shared and will only be used to send you the journal.
For more information:
Please visit https://tinyurl.com/DreamsJournalFYI. If you have any questions, please contact calpolycovidstories@gmail.com
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