Internship form - Amogh trust

Thank you for your interest in interning with Amogh! 

Our center is located in Hosa Road, Chikkathogur main road, Off Hosur Main Road, Electronic City, Bangalore,
Center timings: 10am-4pm, Monday-Friday.

We expect a consistent minimum of 2-4 hours weekly engagement from our interns. We expect you to be self-motivated and sincere with tasks allotted to you.

Please fill the form below as accurately as possible, if you can fulfil the above requirements. We will get back to you soon if we have any internship openings!
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Your Name *
Your email ID *
Name of the Institution & Course which you are currently enrolled in. *
What overall period do you wish to volunteer for?  Please include time you can give us weekly. Also include the date you will be able to start on. *
Do you have previous experience in the special needs space? *
If you answered Yes to the above question, please elaborate below
What are your top 3 skills? *
Why do you want to intern with Amogh? How do you think you can help our organization? *
Based on your skills, which of the following tasks (if any) could you help us with? *
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